
Dotson & Simpson

"This file contains a listing from "South Dakota State Business
Directory", published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, CO
in 1909. This listing shows businesses in Pierre."

The company is listed as "furniture and undertaker".


James Bourlet & Sons Ltd.

Example below was originally posted 15th August 2012.

Established in 1828 and still making frames today, Bourlet has a detailed history which can be seen on the National Portrait Gallery British Picture Framemakers 1630-1950 resource.

Hibbert Brothers


O.F. Mann

A diverse selection of merchandise and services on offer.


Stephen Bindon Limited.

This is not a framer label but a removals and storage label, a cross over interest as many antique frames also bear shipping and storage labels, it led me to a facebook page dedicated to furniture and removal van photos, which includes a photo of an old Stephen Bindon van. There may also be a company of the same name, (or same company) that deals in antique furniture, also in Eastbourne.