
Noyes & Blakeslee

From the morning mail, well email.

And the mirror it rode in on:

Courtesy of:

Joseph P. Rice
Website: www.forthillstudios.com



Old Faithful spouting in the background. Frank J. Haynes, founder of the firm, was known as The Official Photographer of Yellowstone in the late 19th. and early 20th. century, and was the first winter photographer at Yellowstone. There are some old web pages concerning him, and a Flicker set, from his family collection.

F.J. Haynes, 1887 winter expedition.


D.E. Whitney

I'm going to make a wild assumption that Brainerd is in Minnesota; it might be the only town of that name.

Crowley Milner & Co.

Again, some essential labelness is missing ....


Interesting to me that there are quite a few labels that seem to miss the point of having a label. Addresses, phone numbers, some means of identification.