
E. Schweickerdt, South African frame label.

 Post from Pieter Swanepoel:

The one herewith was on one of my own paintings of 1980. The languages used on the label, are Afrikaans (my home language) and of course English.

The framing company E. Schweickerdt (Pty) Ltd started operating in 1902 and they closed down about a year and a half ago. The tree in their logo (with the letters ES) is after the style of one of South Africa’s most famous landscape painters JH Pierneef. As far as I know the first painting Pierneef sold, was sold to Emile Schweickerdt about the time the company started up.


Bucks Co.

An excellent book detailing the Bucks County framing school, with photos of signatures, and design sketches showing the process. The book is a catalog from an exhibition at the James A. Michener Art Museum, 2000.


Bronislaus Janulis

One of my own signatures, done with a pyrographic pen. Sometimes my signature is just the monogram, or the monogram and "bronislaus.com". At one time, I would number frames, with the number, then the .YY. And, some have not been signed, at all. From 1994 through 1998 I kept a handwritten log, then in 1998 I started putting that all into a database on the computer, with photos. Then, in 2005, for reasons unclear, but probably having to do with a general laziness and angst, stopped. Some of that angst might of had to do with Appleworks no longer being supported, and not wanting to buy and learn another piece of software. I probably stopped signing some frames at that time, as well, but have since started at least that, again. Signing.


Frederick Harer, 1879-1949

Frederick Harer signature on a frame on a Daniel Garber painting.

Frederick Harer signed his frames as works of art.

 The Lumberville Bridge
Danial Garber, Frederick Harer, frame.
South Bend Museum of Art

Harer was one of the founders of the Bucks County school of frame making. Here, he uses a form of sgraffito to punch and incise decorative patterns into the surface. He was also a painter and sculptor.
